I can truly say that I am stepping into leadership in a way that empowers both myself and others. With the support of this program, I have further developed my understanding of how to hold space for others, my commitment to presence, and my sense of confidence in what I have to share.
I have begun to frame my work as a teacher as a sacred practice, and have been utilizing the tools I have learned in this program to support children and families. I am expanding into sharing the full spectrum of my gifts with the world, and showing up as my whole self.
I am diving deeper into my magical practices, including plant medicine, tarot, and ritual. I have plans to offer these gifts to a wider audience in the future. I have begun to truly honor my own voice as unique and necessary.
The women in this circle have held such gentle and unconditional space for my evolution as a teacher and healer and person. Many thanks to all of you.
–Maya Phoenix